ADD/ADHD Coaching

What does ADD / ADHD Coaching from Phoenix Parent Coaching Look Like?

According to (The National Resource on ADHD) coaching can work well for ADD/ADHD because

  • It is a practical intervention
  • You work on specific goals that can help to increase attention and focus
  • Coaching focuses on accountability
  • You create a path from abstract goals to achieveable steps
  • The coach gives support and helps to build motivation into daily tasks

For all of these reasons and more coaching can be a better approach than traditional therapy.  Coaching works best for adults and children 12 and over.  

ADD/ADHD Coaching can be an engaging (and potentially fun) way to work on many common frustrations that you or your child may be dealing with

  • The 80-20 rule may be at the core of your frustrations with completing routine tasks.  This means that it is relatively easy to  get 80% of the task completed, but that last 20% can take hours to finish.  Learn strategies to get past this hurdle.
  • Find better ways to keep friends.  Many people with ADD/ADHD are great at making friends, keeping them may be a different story.  The difficulty with blurting, interputing and high energy can sometimes be wearing on friends.  Identify your specific challenges and create new strategies to be the friend you know you can be.
  • Want some ways to use your creativity in the real world and not just be at the top of the leader board?  Let’s work together to find ways to keep you or your child engaged with areas that interest him or her.
  • Plus lots more  

Here are some ideas on ways to maximize your coaching time:

  • Bring specific questions that you want answered
  • Bring specific challenges that you want to master
  • Use your creativity to collaborate on new strategies 
  • Allow your coach to provide accountability to maintain changes
  • Find ways to work with your child on daily frustrations
  • Improve friendship and communication skills 

The PPC coaching approach to ADD/ADHD builds on over 25 years of experience helping children and adults to keep the benefits of ADD/ADHD (creativity, spontaneity, generosity and energy) while addressing the complications (poor sense of time, difficulty fully completing tasks, grades not reflecting intelligence, impulsivity and frustrating others). This can be done individually or as a parenting/family approach.       

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8727 S Priest Drive #101, Tempe, Arizona 85284